I’m hoping to do two blogs today, but the second one is proving to be quite a task so it might not get posted until tomorrow or later. I’ll keep it a secret for now, just to build the anticipation!!
~ This is the point when you as the reader can excitedly bounce up and down in your chair saying, “Ooooh, I wonder what it might be?!? I’m so excited!” You know, like Sam Weaver does for all of my blogs ;) haha, just kidding ~
Today I had a fun lunch over at the fishery school that we as a homeroom class prepare ourselves. It was curry and rice, salted and grilled ayu fish, chocolate cake and this awesome waterfall method of eating soumen rice noodles involving a garden hose, a metal saw, ladders, chairs, several poles of bamboo, chopsticks and ninja-like reflexes! Haha, if that doesn’t sound like a fun meal I don’t know what does.
i still faithfully read every blog!!! including that last one about the people matching... i wasn't expecting so many! true sam estenson style. can't wait to have you in my loving arms once again! .... ? xoxox