Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010-

I’m hoping to do two blogs today, but the second one is proving to be quite a task so it might not get posted until tomorrow or later. I’ll keep it a secret for now, just to build the anticipation!!

~ This is the point when you as the reader can excitedly bounce up and down in your chair saying, “Ooooh, I wonder what it might be?!? I’m so excited!” You know, like Sam Weaver does for all of my blogs ;) haha, just kidding ~

Today I had a fun lunch over at the fishery school that we as a homeroom class prepare ourselves. It was curry and rice, salted and grilled ayu fish, chocolate cake and this awesome waterfall method of eating soumen rice noodles involving a garden hose, a metal saw, ladders, chairs, several poles of bamboo, chopsticks and ninja-like reflexes! Haha, if that doesn’t sound like a fun meal I don’t know what does.

Miki helping make the cake
This is when we're happy there's still at least one girl in the fishery class
Koike and Tanaka making the Shioyaki Ayu
Sitting down for lunch, we'd work up a good appetite
And this is it!! It's called 流し素麺 or "Nagashi Soumen"
It involves cutting several pieces of bamboo in half, hallowing out the middle, and creating your own little noodle river!!
Just turn the water on high, send some noodles shooting down and the goal is to grab and eat all of them before they spill off the end!! So funny, I can't believe it took until my last week for us to do this =P

1 comment:

  1. i still faithfully read every blog!!! including that last one about the people matching... i wasn't expecting so many! true sam estenson style. can't wait to have you in my loving arms once again! .... ? xoxox
