Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009- Halloween-

ハッピーハロウィン!In other words, “Happy Halloween!” It seems odd to say that today I actually RELAXED on Halloween instead of getting all hopped up on sugar, wearing a peripheral-blinding rubber mask, only to run recklessly through streets and neighborhoods at night. Why exactly do we as Americans do that again??? Hah, but it is true that I missed the excitement of the holiday and of course the delicious food…okay candy…

Quick Note: I feel like I did attend a Halloween party, it just so happens that it was via Skype. I talked to the entire Northfield High School Boy’s Soccer Team as they ate a steak dinner out at my home. I laugh at the idea that even though I’m no longer on the team (in fact I’ve graduated and am living several thousand miles away) my family still hosted a team meal. But to be honest it was terrific to feel like I was sitting in my crowded living room laughing with friends once again. It made today bittersweet knowing that they were there, preparing for a state game in the METRODOME and that I wouldn’t be able to see it! Best of luck though guys!

A day on the roof: 屋根 Yane- it means Roof, and the Sato’s have quite a big one. It’s above their side of the house, overlooking the surrounding homes. The tree to the right is in the middle of the neighbor’s yard and is likely the tallest thing in town. It makes me wonder how long it’s stood there slowly watching the town of Nakagawa come, build, flourish, and now start to crumble.

Not much I can say about this one. Just me pretending to being studious, the 60-degree sun, some good reads on a tatame matt, and the self-timer of my camera. I told you I relaxed today!

1 comment:

  1. aw man that sounds like a relaxing halloween- the roof reminds me of our picnics and summer popsicles on top of the estenson household. fun to skype with you again and glad to see you've got the whole meditation thing down:)
