Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010 - I FORGOT!

Three things I wanted to include in the blog below but forgot:
1) Today I had my ancient Japanese fortune read. There is a man who comes to the Kobayashi's store and interprets their fortunes for the year. Today he came and at the end told me that in this coming year: My intelligence would be strong, as would my money, if I got married it would only be normal, and if I had children they would fall below average! Haha, very useful information to remember for 2010. I hope that brightens your days, Mom and Dad. No marriage or kids, just lots of tests and money at college. =)
2) It reached 65 degrees today!! It felt like spring. I went jogging in shorts and a T-shirt and am now thoroughly exhausted. Strange to think we had a blizzard only 4 days ago.
3) By far the funniest moment of Around the World in 80 Days was the part where they needed all the wood they could to keep the steam ship running. They started pulling off siding, and peeling up the deck. Finally one man tried to grab the wooden leg off the sailor standing next to him only to be beaten over the head by everyone gathered around!


  1. The fortune teller must be a parent...very good advice to a 19 year old about marriage, babies, college and money. Thank him for me in Japanese. Love Mom

  2. I definitely agree, Around the World in 80 Days is a great movie with lessons we still need to remember today. Naomi and I just watched it over break and enjoyed it more than we did before last year, for the same reasons you mentioned. Enjoy your February:)
