Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday, October 16, 2009-

I don't have enough time to write much today which is probably a good thing because I don't have any news to report. Luckily I'm headed over to my friend Miki's house (remember the BBQ and Bowling??) because my host-parents are going to some event out of town. I get to meet her family and we'll hang out all day tomorrow. Should be fun, apparently they own a barber shop. Who knows, maybe I'll get carried away and dye my hair black and finally blend in! Oh wait, I forgot I'm about a foot taller than most people here. (No really, one of my friends in cooking class figured it out, she's 4 foot 8 inches. I laughed when I realized that she was only a little shorter than almost everyone else:)
Thanks for the comments to keep truckin'. I'm hoping something will kick in here soon and I'll really begin to start grasping this culture and language. Won't be able to write tomorrow either, sorry.


  1. Hi Sam! Checking in from Hong Kong today. Wish you were here. It was good to catch up on your blog and I hope you have a good day or two at Miki's house. I'll check back in again after I get up into factory land across the border. Take care.

    I guess this journal receives a Durkin Family response since my dad already posted

    Anyway, totally sucks that you're stuck in a sort of middle-of-nowhere-esque situation socially, but I'm sure it'll pass in due time.

    In the meantime, the pictures you're posting are pretty amazing and at the very least I'm sure you can take heart in the beauty of the natural world around you. The Japenese, if not overly social, have at least done a good job maintaining their environment it seems.

    Enjoy nature, enjoy the clouds!
    If I were you I'd explore the countryside on my own, but I'm not sure if you have that sort of freedom of movement. At any rate, I hope things get more interesting for you!

    Much brotherly love from AMERICA,
